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Queen Tiye's mummy

    The mummy of Queen Tiye (Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III) New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, died c. 1338 B.C. Found: KV35, now at rest in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation, Cairo. The mummy of Queen Tiye was found within the second side chamber of the tomb of Amenhotep II. Found in 1898 by Victor Loret, it was discovered that Amenhotep II’s tomb had later been used by the Ancient Egyptian priesthood as a storage for many royal mummies spanning both the 18th and 19th Dynasties. Tiye is originally thought by some Egyptologists to have been or “supposed to have been” buried in her son’s new capital of Akhetaten (modern Tel el-Amarna), with the presumption that the body of the Queen and other royals of her family were perhaps moved once her son’s new capital collapsed after his death. Then there is the theory that Tiye was to be buried within the tomb of her husband Amenhotep III. There is no ultimate conclusion at the present. Separate from the other mummies within th

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