Thoughts on the Younger Lady (Tutankhamun's mother)

I always thought Tutankhamun’s mother looks like she could have been kicked in the face by a horse or something. It’s interesting that ct scans reveal that could in fact be a legitimate theory. It seems almost certain this injury was her cause of death. Poor woman. If only we knew her name. Considering she is a daughter of Tiye and Amenhotep. Her name is known… is it Sitamun, Iset (isis), Nebetah, Henuttaneb…will we ever really know?

To imagine the lives of these people beyond the images on tomb walls and relics is something I often do. I get sometimes lost in thoughts wondering how they appeared, felt, or what they even feel now. If Tutankhamun's mother really died so violently, be it an accident, or perhaps even murder...what ripples it sent through the family, or even civilisation itself. 


We see a funeral scene, or remnants of a funeral scene from this period, the Amarna age. The funeral of Meritaten. The daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, and the royal pair are seen deep in grief, often how 'mourners' were depicted in other scenes, yet this time it is the king and queen of Egypt being depicted that way. The Amarna period is of course famous for personalising the depiction of the royals. Imagery we never saw before beyond the rigid canon of Egyptian art.



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